Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Plans Derailed But, Protocol Prevails

Stolen from web

Best laid plans and all that.

Bill and I had planned to work on kicking drills and Ho Shin Sul in last night's class, but we hadn't cleared that with the Sa bam nims.  So, we ended up doing an absolutely grinding session of basics.  Normally basics are a great warm up and progressively get harder.  Last night was tough based on the fact that we had a room full of different leveled people.  So, we all had to stop regularly for corrections and instructions.  Which meant standing around in a front stance for longer periods.  Great for leg strength, but just wearing if done for forty-five minutes.  

After we finished the basics (blessed relief!).  Bill and I finally got to line up to work on kicking drills, but it went pretty sour fast.  Even the teachers laugh about the fact that they all think they are one doing it the "right way".  Things tend to get confusing for the student if you have several leaders telling you it's one way or the other.  They go books and videos to sort it out, but by that time we've lost ten minutes. In the end we didn't get far.  It's times like this that I miss Keith so much.  He was very definitive about what was correct.  

Today is a blessed day off.  I would normally take lunch to run through the test, but I'm physically wrecked by the efforts of the last week.  I'll run through Ho shin sul to see if it sticks better.  Maybe a written practice test.  

Colette told me that I can take my closed book test any time before the 12th.  Just a couple of weeks, but I think I can do it sooner.  I can also turn in all my forms today.  

She also told me that she has to work out details for the physical test.  Since they haven't worked on a transfer (from Tang Soo Do to Soo Bahk Do) before they have to work it out with the higher ups. 

This comes down to:

  • Where do I stand in the line up?
  • Which belt do I wear?
  • Which dobok do I wear?
The lineup is very protocol rich.  Newer students are at one end.  Am I a new student?  That's a complicated question.  If you just count my time at the local school, then I started in May.  But if you count me as a transfer, I might have started in 2011. This also feeds into a Bon number.  As soon as you get your midnight blue belt you get registered.  I currently have a student number, but that doesn't transfer to the bon.  If we line up on student numbers, then I'll be at the very end.  If we line up on bon numbers, then I'll be somewhere else.  Very confusing stuff!

I have two black belts.  One from way back in the from my TSD days.  I have it in a rack.  It's not very impressive and doesn't have any stitching on it.  The one I wear is from my Karate school.  High quality and has script in Japanese on both ends.  My name on one and Shudokan on the other.  I'm not sure which one I'll be wearing or if they'll give me a borrower, so I'll fit in better.

Finally, the gi or dobok.  Will I be wearing my generic gi or will I need to wear a top with red trim?  I hope Colette doesn't get brain lock sorting all of this out.

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