Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Surprise Test

I was just trying to shake off my lack of sleep when I realized early on that we were going through the order of the exam.  

We started with basics and then kicking drills, which is the norm for first day of the week.  Then we went right into one-step sparring and then wrist locks.  I figured at this point that he was going through the test.  I had some slowdowns near the end of the techniques since they weren't something I had a lot of experience with, but generally it went well.  Next the breaking, but we used the water dummy.  He had me try twice due to the height of my kick. Just before we finished, he had me do the endurance round.  I did 130 punches in 30 seconds.  A record for me, but he noted I needed to focus where the punches were "landing" and, of course, add more hips. At the end he asked me to the eight articles of faith, I did it in Korean and English, but slightly out of order.  

Honestly, I was surprised I could do the whole thing.  There were two points where I was completely gassed, and he had me breath a bit before moving on.  Now that I've been sitting for a few hours I'm really starting to feel pretty sore.  Ouch.  I'm trying periodic stretching in hopes that'll keep me from really locking up.

Tomorrow promises to be forms refinement.  


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