Thursday, January 13, 2022

More Like Fist In The Face


I absolutely love this photo.  It's shopped but brilliant all the same.

As Keith's knuckles bounced painfully across my orbital bone, I realized I was entering with the wrong side, thus my block was totally wrong.  

I've been trying very hard to remember the ten sets of moves that make up our one-step sparring.  I'm going over them in the morning, afternoon and the evening. I've been testing myself and felt like I was finally getting somewhere.  

I have to think about what I'm doing but the stop time is getting less and less.  And then the problem began.  I might have some things down generally, but I've been confused about my opponents footing.  This led to bad starts and general confusion in my moves.  Not smooth.

We got through them once and started from the bottom again.  Endless corrections cause me some issues, but Keith said he might have made a mistake in trying new warmups based on the moves.  That went poorly for me.  I couldn't get anything right, so confidence was at a minimum.

On our second go through I miscalculated on the last set of moves.  I entered on the wrong side and ended up wearing knuckle glasses.  Thankfully he was aware enough not to put a full punch into that.  Still ran my bell a tiny bit.  


Had "the chat" with Andy. Now that Keith is moving away, and we were the only early squirrels, it would be up to him to make that class happen. I asked if he was still down with 5:45am classes.  I know he gets up at 5, but I also know that's when he reads/studies.  In the end he said he rather I attend the 7 am class instead.  The best part of this is not waking up at 5 am to get to school.  And I'll get to see a few other people.  I can even go to class five times a week is if can manage it.  Lots of "we shall sees" when I get back from vacation.  

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