Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Post Catch Up

I've missed a couple of posts due to the shift in schedule.  I went to Monday night Dan class a few days ago which left a bit of a dry taste in my mouth.  As I've mentioned before I'm a bit spoiled by the private lesson feeling of the 5:45 class. There were four of us at the Monday night class.   Colette handled things very well, but it meant that some of the lessons stretched out a bit longer than I would have hoped, but it was material I needed to know.

Part of the problem is that we sit crossed legged.  Hardwood isn't my friend.  Ten minutes of presentation gets tough on me pretty quick.  I spent the first five minutes trying to find a position where my ankle wasn't grinding into the hardwood.  Wee fun.  My squirming was noticed, and I was told that this was the position we had to wait in during tests.  Get used to it baby!

Colette tried to run us through all the forms real quick and then try to invent combos based on the moves.  Usually a fun exercise, but my ability to remember anything beyond what I'm learning at the moment falls pretty fast.  Ugh.  We all bogged down after the second or third form.  Hah.


This morning was my shift to the 7 am class.  I thought I'd be better off today, but I started working on Il Soo Sik with a red belt and I managed to forget everything all at once.  Duh!  I was the advanced student, so I was to start off first.  That didn't help either of us, hah!

We didn't get through all ten, but we answered a lot of questions and did a lot of fine tuning.  Then I forgot I had to leave a bit early to get to work on time.  I got caught in a few minutes of traffic on the way back and then couldn't find my phone, so there was a lot of running around in circles this morning.   


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