The last month was pretty much a write off in terms of classes and practice. I got to go to two classes right after the exam and then work had me travel until class last night. I was feeling pretty out of shape and pretty soft, but the treat of completing a rank is that you get to learn something new!
My current plan for my third degree is incredible aggressive. I have to learn twelve kata with the bunkai in three years, but I also have to learn 5 kyoku kata on the side. These are the school only kata that are not shared outside, but a brown belt needs to know them all before they achieve blackbelt. My job is to learn those as well because my blackbelt was acknowledged from my old school, but it left me without some fundamentals. They are actually seven Kyokus, but the first five are supposedly elementary, the sixth is for the confirmation exam a year after the blackbelt is awarded and the seventh is supposed be for fourth degree and above.
So I was pretty excited about going to class last night, but really didn't understand how quickly I'd gotten out of shape. I wasn't out of breath, but my muscles felt slack and warm up basics that required lots of blocking showed me that my desensitization has long since passed. I was squirming in pain a lot.
The good bit was that I got to learn Gekisai Dai Ichi. I had learned it four years ago in order to help MaryAnn. Back then I was just helping people out with whatever. MaryAnn was learning and she was best doing it by teaching others what she was learning.
It wasn't that I remembered it well, but I remember the basics. It's a fairly simple pattern to remember, but leave it to me to make something more complicated than it is. We also went through the bunkai which generally speaking, is easy, but there is a lot of moving parts.
Here's a slow and fast breakdown of the kata:
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