I had to miss Thursday night class because of work pushing it’s nosey requirements into my life. I had some visiting folks from the mother ship in the big city and had to squire them around. It’s not like they were bad or anything, but I had to get them back to the airport after an exceedingly long day. I just had to remind myself, “this is why I get paid”.
Class was still going on for a bit when I showed up so I said hi and made an appointment to hang out with Teacher on Friday. I’d put together a few more pieces and parts to my kata and wanted to find out if I was going in the correct direction. Here’s were I’m at, but I’ve got a slightly different ending after the double punches.
Instead of the jumping axe at the end I’ve got some hand work. Teacher made it very clear – “This is a kata that a green belt can do, but you’d better be doing the techniques all at a Black belt level”. Yikes!
Cool so far! I've never done the double punch. I think they show up in 3rd or 4th dan tkd forms.
So you create your own form as part of your test? Interesting stuff. What are the criteria for creating a form, or what do you have in mind when you are putting it together?
I didn't really get a lot of guidance about what it needed to contain. Teacher had to make his in a vacuum and the masters simply watched him and said, "poof, you're a black belt."
I think he's being a bit more conscientious with me. I've shown him what I'm doing and he's cut out anything "fancy". I was hoping to do spinning back kicks and jumping kicks with rolls, etc. He cut that all out. It's very simple as you can see, but it's definitely mine.
I was really just trying to focus on making it realistic, but showing some facility at balance and power.
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