- A bunch of folks from our school went to a Kata only tournament last weekend and did very well. My very own Mark got first place in his division!
- The sensei's pulled down a lot of metals/awards, so they generally encourage everyone to go to this tourney.
- I'd been off for a week due to guests and training at work which threw my schedule off. Nice to be back as it were.
- I was paired with Sarah to help her on black belt prep. I found out that I couldn't remember transitions. I was worthless. How embarrassing.
- In the after class the senseis confirmed that my first three were fine so I could start learning Hakutsuru no Ottoko. It has a San Shin step that makes me look like I'm a zombie lurching from step to step. Hilarious.
- I practiced it two hours after I learned the first few pieces and realized that I had lost the whole damn thing because I had concentrated so heavily on the foot work. Wow!
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