I’m having a hard time sitting down and typing for any period of time since I normally do these updates while I’m at work. That’s what keeps the brevity most of the time. For whatever reason work has picked up and so typing is broken in to a half sentence here and there. Keeping to any kind of theme is really difficult.
I think I’ve mentioned that I like using an outline for class, but gave it up because of the dependence it was creating. So for the last couple of classes I gave up on that and stuck with a loose two portion approach. For instance, last night I went with a blocking drill that I changed twice and then had a nice flow going so we could get a focus on in-fighting.
The second half of the class was split with kata and then throws. As a rule TSD doesn’t really have throws, but due to our local school roots we have a few hip and trip throws. Both ideas came out of our last class where I learned an important teacher lesson. Never put a exhausted guy back into sparring. Also Never go into sparring with an exhausted guy when you are not up to speed. Needless to say, I took some very hard lumps.
The match started with a kick to my testicles. After a rest break and restart I got behind Dave to which he immediately elbowed me way too hard and set me up for a throw. We were locked up and I figured I’d just step around his leg. Wrong. As soon as I moved my leg he took my balance and he threw me very hard. I had a great landing, but we weren’t using pads. He had to help me up. Let’s just say I was unable to make the 90 second goal I had set for myself.
Although it’s not a rule I would say that exhaustion also leads to horrible sparring. The reason I took a shot to the testicles was that Dave was just throwing out random things instead of planning.
So in class I wanted to work on hands in a tangle and various throws (on mats). I introduced the class to the tomonagi and the idea of a sacrifice throw (you are going to the ground to do the throw). After that we focused on throws based on driving one leg between your opponents legs.
I have to say that I really like doing the class and I thought it went pretty smoothly. Considering we only had 5 folks I tend to think that smaller classes are a bit more fun and easier to keep track of.
I definitely preferred smaller when I had to fill in as instructor for TKD. 6-8 was perfect. Past 8 and things got very hard to keep track off.
Exhaustion does lead to bad sparring but it helps with conditioning. We used due rotation sparring. Say you have 8 people. Each person spars one person for 1 - 1.5 minutes. Times up? Rotate! By the end you have done 8 min. continuous.
Make that "used to do."
I agree with the conditioning bit. The guy I'm referring to has phenomenal conditioning and was completely wasted by the end of his third match.
I just hate all the bruises and broken skin. I was hoping to do sparring again on Thursday, but I'm still healing up.
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