I practiced as much as I could while I was in my hotel room, but everything was pretty distracting so I don't think I learned too much beyond what I knew before in terms of the new kata.
Upon my return I had to get ready for the Celebration last night. This is the testing for colored belts and all the black-belts were asked to attend due to the numbers of students. I proctored/watched two of the oldest students and they did really well, but I guess everyone did. I wanted to watch a few of the real fireballs, but didn't get a chance.
Afterwards we went to the local pizza place and I was saturated in the sounds of family and happiness. I hadn't realized that I would enjoy the family atmosphere so much.
Back to the adult class - I think there were eight of us and we worked on some basic strike/block drills for a few minutes before we broke into groups and worked on our testing kata.
I'm still struggling with NPP, but can't figure out if that's normal. No one seems stressed about it except me. Olivia asked me if I thought I'd be ready by next May. I'm not sure, but it's a whole extra year to work on things.