Teacher called me a little earlier in the day and asked me to teach a section on side kicks. He’s been experiencing some tendonitis in his arms and has been struggling with plantar fasciitis off and on over the years. So my responsibility was fairly low, but I thought about it all day and tried to get my thoughts organized for class.
When the time came I thought I was rather thorough, but after class I thought I might have gone on a bit much. I spent a good 20 minutes breaking the moves down and getting everyone to focus on the little things. Ah well, it was nice entry into the move to encourage thinking about the dynamics. Storm, the advance TKD kicker, brought up a conversation about putting a snap into a kick. He can put that last 5% of the move into nice twitch that really snaps beautifully, but trying to get folks to recognize that is really difficult. I finally told them that it was an advanced technique.
After class I met with Teacher for some beers and he wants me to take over the class for January while goes out of the country. So I’ll get more time in being the sensei. Hopefully I won’t have to do the kids class; of course I didn’t think about it till today.