Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Belt and Rank

Our class is going to be taking a break for a week or so I was going to bring my video camera to get a couple clips of us practicing kata or kicking each other. When I get there I had to stifle a groan when I realized that camera had no charge. So no video this week.

Cook brought in his new born daughter for a few minutes before attending class. He let me hold her for a few minutes which aways evokes a bunch of feelings for me. Thankfully he took her off my hands, but not before I was awash with sentimentality. Hell of way to start class.

Lots of kicks for the first hour and then a few self defense exercises in the 2nd hour. We went over Kata for a bit and the word came out, "everyone sit to the side." This is followed by, "except for ____." The irony of this was that I've have been thinking about what a test for my Brown belt might consist of. However he called Cook and after the test he gave him his first Green tab.

Since Teacher customizes each test to the user I was thinking how I'd do my own test in his place. I was thinking that I would have to do all the Kata that we know up to this point, Sparring for a longer than average period, Do some multiple attack scenarios, show effective wrist and joint locks, and them demonstrate a technique as if educating someone.

Most likely he'll see that I accomplished all that over time and the test will be some formality, but I guess I should be thinking about it. I just feeling an itch that means things might be moving forward again. With Cook getting his 1st rank my anxiety popped up a bit.


Mathieu said...

Hey hey!

I mentionned my style's name. Gave info on the founder. Bingo, every student looking for Chito-Ryu info ended up on my blog.

But why would you want more traffic??Kind of destroys the idea of using nicknames, no?


Mathieu said...

"Most likely he'll see that I accomplished all that over time and the test will be some formality, but I guess I should be thinking about it. I just feeling an itch that means things might be moving forward again. With Cook getting his 1st rank my anxiety popped up a bit.

Nothing out of the ordinary, if you ask me. Yet, when going through it, anxiety does go up a bit...

Enjoy it. Once the black belt is there, what's left? Teaching? Working on your own? Going to seminars once in a season?

Working through kyus in an under-rated experience.



Potatoe Fist said...

You have an excellent point. However I would love to have more people visiting and commenting. Just think of insights you provide me and I could have the doubled.

Your Clothes, Book Cast With 100%

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