Friday, February 02, 2007


Improving roundhouse kick - ouch, so sore. Foot, hip, aim with knee, don't snap kick, over and over again. We look horrible.

Randori with three attackers!

A little Kata.

Do I start practice on next kata and then show Teacher to motivate learning something new?


Mathieu said...

"Do I start practice on next kata and then show Teacher to motivate learning something new?"

No Idea. You must already have some stuff to work on.

If not, then... why not? You're there anyways...

Jill said...

Roundhouse kick, I feel your pain!! Master sanseï decided to makes us do front and back in a row!! It's difficult and demanding!!

Potatoe Fist said...

I've been trying to learn the next kata independently, but I'm afraid that might be considered rude or reaching. Learning from video is much harder than I thought, but it's also been over a year since I've learned a new kata...

Mathieu said...

Hum... If I remember well, I've learned Ni Sei Shi on my own and received corrections after that.

Sensei said something like :

Hummm... ok, stop doing it like in the video, do this, instead. :D

maybe discuss it.

Your Clothes, Book Cast With 100%

  At 6:05am I looked at my phone quizzically while trying to wake up.  My SaBomNim (master teacher), who is legally blind, sent me the messa...